Cosimo Perini Brogi
PhD in Mathematics and Applications
Contact details
Arthur Rackham, Advice from a Caterpillar, 1907
(Public domain)
Name: Cosimo
Surname: Perini Brogi
SySMA Unit
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Office 10 in Refettorio Hall
Piazza San Francesco 19
55100 Lucca
Tuscany, Italy
Email: cosimo.perinibrogi@X.Y
[where X=imtlucca Y=it]
My GnuPG public RSA key has the following signature:
pub rsa4096 2023-04-29
uid Cosimo-PB (IMTK)
Research interests
My scientific interests stay at the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and philosophy.
Currently, I am assistant professor (RTDa) in theoretical computer science, working within the 2022CY2J5S NextGenerationEU project “Securing softWare frOm first PrincipleS” (SERICS-SWOPS), led by Gabriele Costa.
My primary conceptual toolbox is based on structural proof theory and non-classical logics.
Over the years, I have worked on (classical and intuitionistic) modal logics, sequent calculi, natural deduction systems, functional programming languages and type systems, computerised mathematics, formal software verification.
I am also interested in mathematics in its broader cultural context, including the links between mathematics, literature and music.
More info
My previous post-doc position at IMT Lucca was funded by the PRIN 2017FTXR7S Project IT-Matters, and I worked on formal methods for decentralised and self-organising systems under the supervision of Rocco De Nicola.
Before that, in 2022, I worked on mathematical modal logics and software verification at the University of Barcelona, supervised by Joost J. Joosten and supported by an "academic+industrial" grant.
On July 12, 2022, I successfully defended my PhD thesis at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Genoa
- Title: Investigations of Proof Theory and Automated Reasoning for Non-classical Logics Full text in open access
- Supervisors: Sara Negri, Pino Rosolini
- Examiners: Slides for the Viva Martin Hyland (King's College, Cambridge), Eugenio Orlandelli (Alma Mater Bologna), and Daniele Porello (University of Genoa)
In 2018, I obtained a MA degree in Logic, Philosophy and History of Science from the University of Florence, with a dissertation on category theory in univalent type theory
advised by Marco Maggesi.
Previously, I graduated in philosophy from the same university, with a thesis on provability and interpretability logics, advised by Pierluigi Minari.
I have occasionally worked as a gardener and woodcutter.
- Curry-Howard-Lambek Correspondence for Intuitionistic Belief, Studia Logica Volume 109 Issue 3, June 2021, Open Access DOI
- A formal proof of modal completeness for provability logic (joint work with Marco Maggesi), LIPIcs, Volume 193, ITP 2021, Open Access DOI
- Mechanising Gödel-Löb provability logic in HOL Light (joint work with Marco Maggesi), Journal of Automated Reasoning 67:29, August 2023, Open Access DOI
- Toward dynamic epistemic verification of zero-knowledge protocols (joint work with Gabriele Costa), Proceedings of the 8th Italian Conference on Cyber Security (ITASEC 2024), Salerno, Italy, April 8-12, 2024, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 3731, Open Access
- Systems Security Modeling and Analysis at IMT Lucca (joint work with the SySMA research unit), Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. REoCAS Colloquium in Honor of Rocco De Nicola - 12th International Symposium, ISoLA 2024, Crete, Greece, October 27-31, 2024, Proceedings, Part I, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.15219 DOI
- Analysing Collective Adaptive Systems by Proving Theorems (joint work with Marco Maggesi), Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. REoCAS Colloquium in Honor of Rocco De Nicola - 12th International Symposium, ISoLA 2024, Crete, Greece, October 27-31, 2024, Proceedings, Part I, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.15219 DOI, HAL version
- Rigorous Analysis of Idealised Pathfinding Ants in Higher-Order Logic (joint work with Marco Maggesi), Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Rigorous Engineering of Collective Adaptive Systems - 12th International Symposium, ISoLA 2024, Crete, Greece, October 27-31, 2024, Proceedings, Part II, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.15220 DOI, HAL version
- Simpson's proof systems for process verification: A fine-tuning (joint work with Rocco De Nicola and Omar Inverso), Proceedings of the 25th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, Torino, Italy, September 11-13, 2024, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol.3811, Open Access
- Growing HOLMS, a HOL Light library for modal systems (joint work with Antonella Bilotta, Marco Maggesi, and Leonardo Quartini), Short Paper Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Formal Verification, Logic, Automata, and Synthesis, OVERLAY 2024, Bolzano, Italy, November 28-29, 2024, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol.3904, Open Access
- Machine translation: early criticisms revisited (joint work with Stefania Centrone and Stefan Reifberger), ACM Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Centred Artificial Intelligence - Education and Practice, HCAIep 2024, Naples, Italy, December 2-3, 2024, Open Access DOI
- Universal algebra in UniMath (joint work with Gianluca Amato, Matteo Calosci and Marco Maggesi), Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. 2024;34(8):869-891, December 2024, Open Access DOI
Further research output
- Displayed Universal Algebra in UniMath (joint work with Gianluca Amato, Matteo Calosci and Marco Maggesi), HoTT-UF Workshop 2025 (April 15-16, 2025), abstract
- Tracking knowledge in security protocols: verification via action models, Universitat Politècnica de València (March 7, 2025), slides
- Machine translation, problem solving and pattern recognition: Early criticisms revisited, Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy, Logic Seminar presented by Stefania Centrone (December 5, 2024), slides for the conclusive part
- Rigorous Analysis of Idealised Pathfinding Ants in Higher-Order Logic, Rigorous Engineering of Collective Adaptive Systems 2024, Crete (October 27-31, 2024), slides
- Analysing Collective Adaptive Systems by Proving Theorems, Rigorous Engineering of Collective Adaptive Systems 2024, Crete (October 27-31, 2024), slides
- Simpson's proof systems for process verification: a fine-tuning, Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science 2024, University of Turin (September 11-13, 2024), slides
- Toward dynamic epistemic verification of zero-knowledge protocols, Second Secure Software from First Principles Workshop, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (June 13-14, 2024), slides
- Machine translation, problem solving, and pattern recognition: A historical-phenomenological analysis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (May 8, 2024), slides
- Toward dynamic epistemic verification of zero-knowledge protocols, Italian Conference on Cybersecurity 2024, Salerno (April 8-11 2024), slides
- Proof systems for interpretability logics, PACMAN Workshop, University of Verona (March 20, 2024)
- Theorem provers within theorem provers, International Summer School on Interactions of Proof Assistants and Mathematics, University of Regensburg (Sept. 18-29, 2023), slides
- GL within HOL Light, Lightning talk at Proof and Computation Autumn School (Sept. 2023), slides
- Towards a proof analysis of processes, IT-Matters Final Workshop, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, (July 12, 2023), slides
- Results and ideas on proof theory for interpretability logics, 4th International Workshop on Proof Theory and Applications (Nov. 12, 2022), abstract and slides
- A formal proof of modal completeness for provability logic, Interactive Theorem Proving 2021 (June 30, 2021), slides
- Analytic Proof Systems for Provability Logic, Logic Seminar, University of Genoa, Sept. 2020, slides
- Universal Algebra in UniMath, HoTT/UF 2020 (July 7, 2020), video
- A Curry-Howard Correspondence for Intuitionistic Belief, Poster Session at The Proof Society Summer School, Computational Foundry-Swansea University, Sept. 2019
- An introduction to Normal Modal Logics, Logic Seminar, University of Genoa, Summer 2019
- Categorical Semantics for Intuitionistic Belief, Logic and Philosophy of Science Seminar, University of Florence, May 2019
- Kleisli Triples in Homotopy Type Theory, MA Dissertation, Code in UniMath Repository, Dec. 2017
- An Overview of Simple Type Theory, Final Year Report, Graduate Student Seminar 2016-17, manuscript
Humanistic Maths & Outreach
- L'enigma del compleanno, Archimede 3/2020, December 2020 A contribution on Dynamic Epistemic Logic for the Italian journal of mathematics for the lay audience, DOI.
- L'evoluzione della scienza umana?, Febr. 2021 A post in the blog MaddMaths! on Computerised Mathematics for the lay audience (in Italian).
- Perché leggere i classici (delle dimostrazioni matematiche), Febr. 2021 An informal hypertext aimed at general mathematicians (in Italian).
- La matematica delle dimostrazioni, Archimede 2/2022, October 2022 A contribution on Proof Theory and Applications for the Italian journal of mathematics for the lay audience, DOI.
- Computerised reasoning. The "dark side" of AI, SISSA Masterclass @ IMT Lucca, Nov. 2023 Slides for the lightning talk.
- Al tè del cappellaio: Giochi, enigmi e paradossi per scoprire la logica matematica, 50&più-UniDEL Public Lecture, 14 January 2025 Slides for a public lecture on the occasion of the logic day.
Work in progress
Disclaimer : Some of the titles below are intentionally preposterous, except for the ones of those papers that are currently under review or ready for submission.
- Privacy policies with controlled natural languages for clarity and verification Project description (joint work with Rocco De Nicola)
- Formally verifying zero-knowledge protocols Project description (joint work with Gabriele Costa)
- An ant's life (Experiments in certified bio-informatics) (joint work with Marco Maggesi)
- The HOLMS Library (joint work with Antonella Bilotta and Marco Maggesi) Project webpage
- Universal Algebra in UniMath (joint work with Gianluca Amato, Matteo Calosci and Marco Maggesi) GitHub repository
- The Coq Knight: Homage to G. Perec (very experimental)
- Proof analysis for interpretability logics (joint work with Sara Negri and Nicola Olivetti)
I am a member of the EC-COST Action (CA20111) EuroProofNet, the IMT Extended MInD Group, the International Research Network Logic and Interaction, The Proof Society, the Italian Chapter of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, the CLAI Lab for Computational Logic and Artificial Intelligence, the Association Computability in Europe, the GRIN - Italian Society for Informatics.
For several reasons, I cannot endorse the following platforms: LinkedIn, Fabebook and relatives, ResearchGate, Scopus and friends,, X-Twitter, ChatGPT et similia .
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Last update: March 2025
“Se si escludono istanti prodigiosi e singoli che il destino ci può donare, l'amare il proprio lavoro (che purtroppo è privilegio di pochi) costituisce la migliore approssimazione concreta alla felicità sulla terra: ma questa è una verità che non molti conoscono.”