Cosimo Perini Brogi

PhD in Mathematics and Applications

Contact details

CatArthur Rackham, Advice from a Caterpillar, 1907
(Public domain)
Name: Cosimo
Surname: Perini Brogi
SySMA Unit
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Office 10 in Refettorio Hall
Piazza San Francesco 19
55100 Lucca
Tuscany, Italy

Email: cosimo.perinibrogi@X.Y
[where X=imtlucca Y=it]

My GnuPG public RSA key has the following signature:

 pub  rsa4096 2023-04-29 
 uid  Cosimo-PB (IMTK) 

Research interests

My scientific interests stay at the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and philosophy.

Currently, I am assistant professor (RTDa) in theoretical computer science, working within the 2022CY2J5S NextGenerationEU project “Securing softWare frOm first PrincipleS” (SERICS-SWOPS), led by Gabriele Costa.

My primary conceptual toolbox is based on structural proof theory and non-classical logics.

Over the years, I have worked on (classical and intuitionistic) modal logics, sequent calculi, natural deduction systems, functional programming languages and type systems, computerised mathematics, formal software verification.

I am also interested in mathematics in its broader cultural context, including the links between mathematics, literature and music.

More info

My previous post-doc position at IMT Lucca was funded by the PRIN 2017FTXR7S Project IT-Matters, and I worked on formal methods for decentralised and self-organising systems under the supervision of Rocco De Nicola.

Before that, in 2022, I worked on mathematical modal logics and software verification at the University of Barcelona, supervised by Joost J. Joosten and supported by an "academic+industrial" grant.

On July 12, 2022, I successfully defended my PhD thesis at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Genoa

In 2018, I obtained a MA degree in Logic, Philosophy and History of Science from the University of Florence, with a dissertation on category theory in univalent type theory advised by Marco Maggesi. Previously, I graduated in philosophy from the same university, with a thesis on provability and interpretability logics, advised by Pierluigi Minari.

I have occasionally worked as a gardener and woodcutter.


ORCID Account

DBLP Profile

Further research output

Humanistic Maths & Outreach

Work in progress

Disclaimer : Some of the titles below are intentionally preposterous, except for the ones of those papers that are currently under review or ready for submission.


I am a member of the EC-COST Action (CA20111) EuroProofNet, the IMT Extended MInD Group, the International Research Network Logic and Interaction, The Proof Society, the Italian Chapter of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, the CLAI Lab for Computational Logic and Artificial Intelligence, the Association Computability in Europe, the GRIN - Italian Society for Informatics.

For several reasons, I cannot endorse the following platforms: LinkedIn, Fabebook and relatives, ResearchGate, Scopus and friends,, X-Twitter, ChatGPT et similia .


About this site

This website is based on a slightly modified version of Tufte CSS.

Last update: March 2025

“Se si escludono istanti prodigiosi e singoli che il destino ci può donare, l'amare il proprio lavoro (che purtroppo è privilegio di pochi) costituisce la migliore approssimazione concreta alla felicità sulla terra: ma questa è una verità che non molti conoscono.”

Primo Levi, La chiave a stella, 1978